Javier Pérez Pont y Esperanza Aparicio Romero
Los Barriles: 5 (Contrology PIlates Physical Culture)
How to achieve maximum well-being and achieve a stronger and more flexible body.
In this collection, Esperanza Aparicio Romero and Javier Pérez Pont, directors of the only center that teaches the original teachings of the master Pilates in Spain, show us, step by step and in a simple way, the keys to obtain the greatest benefits of this method, which considers the body, mind and spirit as a unit, and whose main objective is to coordinate them with a view to achieving a stronger and more flexible body, as well as a more stylized figure.
In this collection, Esperanza Aparicio Romero and Javier Pérez Pont, directors of the only center that teaches the original teachings of the master Pilates in Spain, show us, step by step and in a simple way, the keys to obtain the greatest benefits of this method, which considers the body, mind and spirit as a unit, and whose main objective is to coordinate them with a view to achieving a stronger and more flexible body, as well as a more stylized figure.
The structure of the Big Barrel is designed to help work on proper body alignment. The work on the Big Barrel focuses on strengthening the “energy center” and trunk, as well as stretching the spine, hips and legs. This apparatus is essential for performing certain intermediate system exercises and is excellent for practicing and introducing some advanced exercises that are later performed on the Universal Reformer.
Contrology Pilates Physical Culture
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